Love, Joy, Peace...
Will you serve in these roles if worship is INDOORS?
Sanctuary set-up and take down
Required one hour before or after service and the ability to lift and carry 35 pounds.
Welcome and serve your fellow parishioners
Coffee Set-up
Coffee Clean-up
Reader During Service
This includes 1st Reading and Psalm, Epistle Reading, Prayers of the People
Children's Formation (Sunday School)
Enjoy learning alongside our youngest parishioners
Ages 4-10
Nursery Ages 0-3
"Grandparents" -- help parents with infants who might need another set of hands during the service. Be recognized as a
If you are interested in serving in some way in music ministry, please contact Keith Tobin at for more information as to how you might engage, especially when we fully re-open.
Audio/Video Equipment for service
Digital Content Producer
Understand the broadcast technology to make sure it works and to produce the podcast from the video recording.
For people elementary aged and above (including adults). Please include the name of the individual here.
Prayer Ministry
Are you interested in joining others at Redeemer to faithfully pray for the needs of the church and its members?
Coordinating meals for members in need
Second Sunday Sandwiches
Prepare lunches for residents of the Light House
Purchase Food
Set up before church
Supervise Sandwiches
Clean UP
Deliver Sandwiches